Student Corner &
Homework Help
Below are some sites for you to explore. Make sure you have an adult's permission.
* Parents: Many sites here could be useful to you as well! *
Motivational Timer - Minuterie motivante
Create a plan for homework or other tasks and get rewards. Alloprof works best if you create a free account to save your settings
Online Reading (English & Français)
Reading A-Z [School paid membership to online reading platform]
Tumble Books [Click for a special link from the ETSB for access to many books!]
Storyline Online [Stories read aloud by celebrities]
Story Time from Space [Stories read aloud by astronauts in space!]
BANQ [Bibliothèque et Archives Nationales du Québec, free account for ebooks]
Il était une histoire [Accès à nombreux textes en Français]
Bibliothèque des Amériques [Compte gratuit pour accès à des emprunts numériques]
Littérature Jeunesse Libre [Livres numériques]
Bibliothèques de Sherbrooke [Quelques contes en ligne pour les plus jeunes]
Boukili [Application gratuite avec accès à de nombreux livres en français]
Phonics and Stuff [Games, read-alongs, decodables...]
Arcademics [Some Language Arts online games]
Games to Learn English [Grammar and vocabulary games]
Toy Theatre [Language Arts games}
Mind Map Maker [Can help organize your ideas for writing}
Book of Spells [Allo Prof | Hatch creatures and help them grow by answering reading questions]
Ortholud [Exercises en ligne pour apprendre le français]
Radio-Canada [Wow! Des excellents histoires "Ohdio" à écouter en famille]
Alloprof [Aide aux devoirs avec videos, jeux, et fiches!]
Alloprof [Page de jeux]
Lasouris-web [Liens vers des sites, des exercices en ligne et des jeux éducatifs gratuits]
Math is Fun [This is like a math dictionary – Helpful for homework!]
Toy Theater [Fun, virtual math tools and games]
Base Ten Blocks [Online base ten blocks to help with your homework]
Didax [Virtual math tools for cycles 1-2]
Polypad [Virtual math tools for cycles 2-3]
Math Playground [Online math games]
Arcademics [Online math games]
Aplus Math [Printable math worksheets & games]
Red Dragonfly [Math challenges]
Math Monks [Math help & worksheets]
Learning Trajectories [Tips for parents]
Social Studies
Google Treks [Discover the world with Google Maps]
Google Earth [Discover the world with Google Earth]
World Geography Games [Play games to help you learn about geography]
National Geographic [Article with ideas to have fun with geography]
CBC Kids News [News for and by kids}
Societies and Territories [History and Geography for the Quebec Education Program]
Nasa at Home [Let Nasa bring the universe into your home]
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Explorers [Videos, articles, and games to learn about animals]
Hinterland Who's Who – The Wild Gang [Learn about Canadian wildlife in a fun interactive way!]
Farm Food 360 [Tour Canadian farms through 360 videos!]
Les explorateurs [Des articles, activités, et vidéos]
National Geographic Kids [Videos and information about animals]
Toy Theater [Online art activities]
Make Beliefs Comix [Create your own online comic strips]
Elise Gravel [BD à completer et dessins à colorier]
Radiooooo [Music time machine]
Chrome Music Lab [Create your own music]
Bomomo [Abstract art]
Jarrett Lerner [Drawing tips and activities from a picture book illustrator]
Red Ted Art [Cute and easy crafts for kids]
Relaxation & Growth
Imagine Neighbourhood [Listen to this podcast with your family!]
Mind Yeti [Mindfulness sessions to calm your mind, focus, and connect]
Your Calm Spot [Practice your calming strategies]
GoNoodle [Videos and activities to relax or get moving!]
Cosmic Kids [Yoga Videos]
Other Fun & Educational Sites
Typing Club [Use your teacher's code or create your own to learn to type like a PRO!] [Free coding course for kids]
Scratch [The world's largest free coding community for kids]
Duolingo [Learn a new language!]
Squat [Jeux, videos, bricolages... offert par Télé-Québec. Compte gratuit requis avec authorization parentale]
The Kid Should See This [Over 5,000 kid friendly videos to spark wonder and curiosity]
ABCya [Games & printables]
Radio Canada – Zone Jeunesse [Accès à des émissions, activités, jeux...]
Knowledge: Kids [Shows and videos for kids]
Whether you want to review concepts or stretch your child's understanding of new topics, the sites below can help. Not sure what to focus on? Feel free to ask your child's teacher for guidance.
K5 Learning [Many subjects for all ages]
Worksheet Fun [Many subjects preschool and cycle 1] [Many subjects for all ages] [Math for all ages]
Math is Fun [Math for all ages]
Math drills [Math for grades 1-6]
English for Everyone [Crosswords and more]
A to Z Teacher Stuff [Handwriting worksheet generator]
Le français en ligne [Fiches d'exercices en français]
Please email if you notice problems with any of these sites